Sunday, April 25, 2010


My battle with bulge began after I had my first baby. Well, not exactly. I did indeed gain too much weigh with my first pregnancy but somehow without trying was down to my prepregnancy weight when I found myself in my second pregnancy. I didn't gain any excess with this pregnancy so I guess it was after my third pregnancy, when the weight didn't fall off that my battle began. About 9 months after my third baby was born that my husband suggested I join weight watchers, which I did. I gleaned a lot from being a part of this organization but resented the 10+$ that I was forking over every week. I did get down to my goal weight - 156 and maintained that through another pregnancy. After my fifth baby was born I joined spark people as I the weight was not coming off. I got the weight off, gained again with sixth pregnancy, got that off by last spring. Then over the coarse of 10 months I have gained 14 pounds. This brings me to my current motivation to get and KEEP my weight off.

Goal Keeping
  1. I was able to successfully journal every bite yesterday
my accountability partner shared these great phrases she learned from her past attendance of Weight Watchers:
  • You bite it - you write it
  • You smack it - you track it
funny how those little phrases help journal every bite.


  1. I don't get the smack it I dense?

  2. smack in your mouth - track in your journal. I'll admit it took me a minute when Kari told it to me. I tried not to let on to that though :-)
